In this site-specific installation “Noah’s Ark”, I talk about the relationship between Mother Nature and Human Beings. We mistakenly think about Mother nature as something that is outside of us, at our service and to control and take as we pleased.
Mother nature is in all of us. We are the oceans, the forest, the animals and they are within in us as well. We are all interrelated and part of a perfect system only unbalance by the inability to see us in the world around us, including in other humans as well. This social conception that we are separated from each other and from nature, has been the main challenge that the human race and all civilizations have faced.
My hope is that one day we’ll be able to see ourselves and all around us as one thing only. This will end harm, greed and many other miseries created by the human mind. Until then, we will have to learn one step at a time and expand our consciousness little by little. We will get there, I’m positive. When? When we are ready to.
This is an inner process that its results reflect outside not the other way around. We must cultivate our inner self first. We have wars, because there are wars in the heart of all of us. We have hate, because we don’t fully accept and love who we truly are. We fear others because we fear our own thoughts and self. This list can go on and on, almost endlessly. It all comes down to one goal to stop living our life through our mind and start living life through our hearts instead. The mind judges, labels situations and people, and sees the bad in other, but is incapable to recognize it in itself; therefore, divides us. The heart is the only part of us capable of experience compassion, love and our true nature of what we truly are as human beings.